Antelope Valley, California Real Estate We here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find Antelope Valley, California real estate statistics for the last seven days.
Number of homes entering the market: 237 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 51Number of homes entering escrow: 113Number of homes closing escrow sold: 20Number of homes cancelled removed expired withdrawn from the market: 240 See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A. V. Real Estate Trends or paste www. gockelgroup. com charts to your browser To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster amp; Antelope Valley Real Estate Online or paste www. homes-on-the-web. com to your browser.
If you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about East Lancaster or would like to speak directly to a professional agent, then give me a call:
Don Gockel, Realtor The Gockel Group888-455-1543Like what you see? Then 8230; Stumble It so others can find it too!
Palmdale, Lancaster amp; Antelope Valley Real Estate Online or paste www. homes-on-the-web. com to your browser To send me email click here don homes-on-the-web. com Listen to The Antelope Valley Real Estate Podcast or paste www. avrepodcast. com to your browser.
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